Press Release Body: In partnership with How To Books Ltd, is an information portal that houses the full texts of over 150 information-based books. With topics covering business, property, lifestyle, travel, education and personal finance, readers can quickly search thousands of pages of helpful guides, on subjects as diverse as making a wedding speech, running a successful pub or starting your own business.
What's the price of reading a book?
Here's the best part - it doesn't cost of penny! Visitors can read the whole book for free online. Alternatively, if you don't want to stare at a screen for hours on end, you can download a PDF for a small fee from the online shop, or buy the book for future reference from our distribution partners, Amazon.
What's new to webooks?
webooks has undergone it's first facelift. Following on from feedback from our customers, webooks is now easier to use, prettier and contains more content then ever before. We now have exclusive articles on our articles homepage, on topics relating to our range of books. Whether you agree, disagree or want to add further information to an article, visitors can leave comments on the article page. Each of our writers has their own bio page, containing information about themselves, their recent articles for webooks, as well as their other work elsewhere.
Can I write for webooks?
Of course! Experienced or not, we're always looking for good writers who can add quality content to our website. If think you can write an article relating to one of our books, please, get in touch with us.
With many more Webooks set to go online during the remainder of 2008, visitors can also sign up to the newsletter to receive alerts when new titles are added to the online library.
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Notes to Editors
1. Webooks offers consumers free access to the full text content of a range of information-based non fiction books across property, business, personal finance, work, family, leisure and lifestyle sectors. Visitors can read all or part of any of our titles online, or download a PDF version for a small fee.
2. On the Webooks site, users can read writers' bio pages and updates, post feedback, interact with other users in the forum and find useful websites in the directory.
3. 'We books' is a joint venture between How to Books and On the Move Ltd.
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